Old Hand Tools


When : Vernissage: Saturday, May 10, 2014, from 14:00 to 16:00

         Exhibition: Tuesday, May 6 to Saturday, May 31, 2014 extended til Wednesday, June 11, 2014, during library opening hours

Where : Beaconsfield Library, media room

              303 Beaconsfield Blvd, Beaconsfield, H9W 4A7

Everyone welcome. No entrance fee.

Information : Contact us

Description: Grouped and Itemized Exhibition of tools.


Idnum Desc. Use
70 Stone tool No. 1 Ancient stone tools found in Beaurepaire.These four items were discovered by Adrian Willison as he
dug a vegetable garden at 13 Thompson Point some years ago and he remarked that they looked like
“stone tools”. They were carefully ‘house broken’ and several years later seen by Dr. Gerard Leduc who
has studied stones and petroglyphs in Canada and New England for many years. He stated that they
were authentically created by human hands well in the past.
The Historical Society now wonders if any other Beaconsfield gardeners have discovered similar pieces
in their gardens, or elsewhere.
71 Stone tool No. 2 
72 Stone tool No. 3 
73 Stone tool No. 4 
112 Broad Axe Broad axe, 10", c. 1770-1810, marked with broad arrow (to denote crown property), and 'E' (probably
Royal Engineers). A broad axe had a short (18") handle and was used to square timbers.
113 Unpolled colonial Axe Head Pre-1760, marked with weight, '4' (pounds) of British manufacture
114 Polled colonial Axe heads (2) One is marked with a broad arrow to denote crown property, c. 1770-1800; Probably used to cut trees
and splitting tree trunks
115 Felling axe head American felling axe, with maker's mark 'T. GARRET', c. 1810-1830.
33 Wedge A wood splitting wedge is a triangular shaped tool used to split logs.
34 Wedge with chain Wedge used to maintain spacing when sawing log. The chain allowed an easier recovery of the wedge
in the snow.
64 Crosscut Saw, two-man Large crosscut saw with blade of 7 feet long with a combination of plain and M teeth, with a handle at
each end, for cutting large logs or trees, to fell the trees or to cut felled trees into lumber. One man at
each end would pull-push alternaltely.
160 Two-handed Rip Saw Large rip saw with blade of 6 feet long with a combination of perforated lance and M teeth, with a
handle at each end, for cutting timber into board.
27 Powder horn Container for gunpowder, and was generally created from cow, ox or buffalo horn.
46 Animal trap To capture animals.
57 Trap For hunting.
53 Pincers (blacksmith) Holding hot metal.
74 Ladle In a foundry, a ladle is a vessel used to transport and pour out molten metals.
75 Ladle
190 Broken pair of pliers
59 Horse shoes Protect horse's hoofs.
127 Horse shoes (2) To protect hoofs of ungulate mammals
128 Horse shoe (orthopaedic) Protect horse's hoofs. Specially made for deformed hoof.
129 Stirrup made of leather with A stirrup holds the foot of a rider, attached to the saddle by a strap. They are usually paired and are
wooded sole used to aid in mounting and as a support while using a riding animal. The stirrup was apparently
invented in China in the first few centuries A.D.
178 Farrier Pincers Farrier Pincers: used for removing nails and clean hoofs
9 Sickles A sickle is a hand-held agricultural tool used for harvesting grain crops or cutting forage.
18 Ploughshare In agriculture, a ploughshare is a component of a plough being the cutting or leading edge of a
moldboard which closely follows the coulter (one or more ground-breaking spikes) when plowing, and is
responsible for turning the earth over.
65 Fish spear (Peavey) Fork with barbed teeth. Unknown usage.
80 Bull’s nose perforator & nose Tool to pierce the nasal septum of domestic cattle, usually bulls, to insert a nose ring. The nasal
septum being very sensitive, the cattle breeder will be able to control the bull with a slight move of the
97 Hay fork A hay fork is an agricultural tool used to lift loose material, such as hay or straw in a barn.
117 Hook Rough iron hook to grab and carry hay bale.
121 Hook Rough iron hook to grab hay bale.
123 Pickaxe A pickaxe is a hand tool with a hard head attached perpendicular to the handle.The pointed edge is
most often used to break up rocky surfaces or other hard surfaces such as near tree roots. The chiselled
end is used for purposes including cutting through roots.
141 Sheep Shears shearing wool off sheep
158 Post hole digger Post hole digger used to dig narrow holes to install posts, such as for fences
161 Hopper for seeds Hopper of seeds used when sewing seeds
167 Wooden Block with long chain Used to level soil or in barn?
171 Wheeled seed drill Makes a trench, drops seeds and brings back soil over them.
1 Ancient Spokeshave An early drawknive used to shape and smooth wooden rods and shafts: bows, arrow shafts and canoe
3 Transitional Plane A transitional plane has a wooden body with a metal casting set in it to hold and adjust the blade.
4 Gouge A gouge, one type of chisel, is used, particularly in creating concave surfaces.
6 Chisel, straight edge A chisel is a tool for carving or cutting a hard material such as wood.
7 Brace and Bit Used to drill holes, usually in wood.
8 Pincers Primarily used for removing objects such as nails out of a material that they have been previously
applied to. Also useful to hold red-hot metal pieces while shaping with hammer.
11 Breast drill Used for boring large holes in various materials.
22 Gimlet A gimlet is a hand tool for drilling small holes, mainly in wood, without splitting.
35 Axe To split or cut wood.
39 Chisels A chisel is a tool for carving or cutting a hard material such as wood.
40 Rasp Used to remove fine amounts of material from a workpiece
61 Rasp Tool used for shaping wood or other material The bar has sharp teeth. Rasps generally cut more
coarsely than files. In farriery, rasps are used to remove excess hoof wall from a horse's hoof.
82 Brace and Bit Used to drill holes.
92 Gouge A gouge, one type of chisel, is used, particularly in creating concave surfaces.
93 Spokeshaves Tool used to shape and smooth wooden rods and shafts: wheel spokes, chair legs, canoe paddles.
100 Hand saw (design on handle) To cut wood board.
101 Hand saw To cut wood board.
103 File Used to cut fine amounts of material from a workpiece
107 Spoke shaver (2) A traditinal tool used to shape and smooth wooden rods and shafts: wheel spokes, spindles, chair legs
and furniture. The modern version is now made of all metal.
108 Hammer, small To remove or drive-in small nails.
111 Drawknives (2) A drawknife is a traditional woodworking hand tool used to debark trees and roughly shape wood
square for timber or cylindrical for lathe billets. It is pulled or "drawn" (hence the name) toward the user.
163 Outside callipers used to measure the external size of an object
164 High speed hand drill with twist Used to drill small holes in wood.
165 Hand drill or "egg-beater" drill boring holes in different materials
166 Plane To smooth or shape the surface of wood
172 Vintage "Warranted Superior"
Hand Saw
174 Brace and Bit Used to drill large holes in wood.
89 CPR Rail Spike Holds railway plates.
90 CPR Rail Plate Holds railway ties.
91 CPR tools - wrench (CPR mark) Nut tightening.
19 Tin snips Tin snips, also known as shears, are hand tools used to cut sheet metal and other tough webs.
126 Small Tin snips Tin snips, also known as shears, are hand tools used to cut sheet metal and other tough webs.
98 Old all iron hammer Usage unknown.
16 Smoothing trowel To smooth plaster or cement.
17 Trowel To apply plaster or cement.
122 Scraper Use for plaster
139 Auger An auger is a drilling device, or drill bit, to make deep holes in heavy timber. Used by carpenter.
144 Wire Gauge Sizing wire
175 Claw Hammer General purpose nail hammer
186 Chalk line Tool for marking long, straight lines on relatively flat surfaces. The string is laid across the surface to be
marked and pulled tight. Next, the string is then plucked or snapped sharply, causing the string to strike
the surface, which then transfers its chalk to the surface along that straight line where it struck.
2 Ancient Plane Early planes were made from wood with a rectangular slot or mortise cut across the center of the body.
The cutting blade or iron was held in place with a wooden wedge. The wedge was tapped into the
mortise and adjusted with a small mallet in order to remove the desired amount of wood.
5 Marking Gauge (missing pieces) The purpose of the marking gauge is to scribe a line parallel to a reference edge or surface.
10 Bevel Gauge Used to duplicate an existing angle, or set to a desired angle by using it with any number of other
measuring tools.
12 Torpedo level Instrument designed to indicate whether a surface is horizontal (level) or vertical (plumb). The bubble
level was invented by the French physicist and writer Melchisédech Thévenot (1620-1692) around
13 Mallet Usually used in carpentry to knock wooden pieces together, or to drive dowels or chisels.
14 Try square A traditional try square has a broad blade made of steel that is riveted to a wooden handle or 'stock',
used for marking and measuring a piece of wood.
21 Carpenter rule Measuring instrument made portable by folding.
50 File Used to remove fine amounts of material from a specific area of a workpiece such as in a square or
round hole or a rounded or edge surface.
52 Coping saw A coping saw is a type of hand saw used to cut intricate external shapes and interior cut-outs in
woodworking or carpentry.
84 Protractor Semicircular measuring instrument, for measuring angles in degrees (°).
102 Long Screw driver Tightening screws.
104 Tack Hammer or Upholstery An upholstery hammer (also called a tack hammer) is a lightweight hammer used for securing
Hammer upholstery fabric to furniture frames using tacks or small nails.
Usually, one face of the hammer is magnetized to aid in placement of tacks. Once started, the tacks
are driven with the other face. To apply tacks rapidly an upholsterer will hold tacks in the mouth and
spit them onto the magnetized face of the hammer.
110 Smoothing plane The smoothing plane is adjusted to remove small curls of wood and is typically the last plane used on
a wood surface, giving a superior flat finish.
162 Miter Saw Used to make accurate crosscuts and miters in a workpiece.
176 2 Fine files with file cleaner To smooth the surface of wood. Fine files regularly get clogged with abraded material.
177 C-clamps (2 pairs) Fastening device to hold or secure objects tightly together to prevent movement
179 Sharp Point Hole marking or pick.
180 Wood Chisel A chisel is a tool for carving or chipping away wood usually in corners where a plane cannot reach.
181 Jointer Plane The jointer plane is a long hand plane used primarily to straighten the edges of boards in the
operation known as jointing. Its long length is designed to 'ride over' the undulations of an uneven
surface, skimming off the peaks, gradually creating a flat surface.
182 Jack Plane A jack plane is the general-purpose bench plane, used for general smoothing of the edges, sizing of
timber. In preparing stock, the jack plane is used after the scrub plane and before the jointer plane and
smoothing plane. The name is related to the saying "jack of all trades" as jack planes can be made to
perform some of the work of both smoothing and jointer planes, especially on smaller pieces of work.
183 Scrub Plane The scrub plane has short soles with a narrow but thick blade and is used to quickly gouge large
amounts of wood from the surface of lumber.
184 Shoulder Plane The shoulder plane has a blade flush with the edges of the plane, allowing trimming right up to the
edge of a concave corner workpiece.
185 F-clamp Temporary holding device to hold or secure objects tightly together to prevent movement during
gluing. Longer than a C-clamp.
193 Two-sided saw
194 Frame or Bow Saw Frame saws can be used for almost any job: cross cutting, rip sawing, crosscutting wet wood, cutting
curves, and cutting shapes within a board because the blade is thin and can be inter-changed with
152 Leather hole punch Make holes in leather
23 Nutmeg grater Grating spices.
24 Wooden pastry crimper Tool to festooned pie edges.
26 Skimmer To remove unwanted particles on top of liquid.
28 Iron, detachable wooden handle Pressing clothes.
30 Candle snuffer The scissor-like tool could be used to trim the wick of a candle. A small receptacle catches the trimmed
bit of wick. This tool was rendered obsolete by the invention of self-snuffing wicks, which curl out of the
flame when charred.
31 C-Clamp Fastening device to hold or secure objects tightly together to prevent movement.
45 Ice Tongs To carry ice blocks.
48 Clothes line pulleys Pulleys at each end of clothes line to hang clothes to dry.
49 Cork screw To remove cork cap from bottles.
54 Scale (round) Weighing items.
55 Scale (brass) Weighing items.
66 Iron Pressing clothes.
67 Iron stand To rest hot iron on.
78 Bottle opener Piece of metal with a rectangular or rounded opening in one end containing a lip that is placed under
the edge of the bottle top, pulling it off when upward force is applied to the handle end of the opener.
79 Crochet hook A crochet hook (or crochet needle) is a tool with a hook at one end used to draw thread or yarn through
knotted loops. The crochet hook's earliest use appears to have been in the late 18th century or early
86 Oyster knife Has a short, thick blade for prying open oyster shells
94 Fork Long handle fork. Usage unknown.
125 Ice tongs To carry ice blocks.
131 Ice tongs To carry ice blocks.
132 Fire extinguisher c 1940s A fire extinguisher, or extinguisher, is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control
134 Iron Pressing clothes.
135 Iron Pressing clothes.
136 Iron Pressing clothes.
137 Skimmer To remove unwanted particles.
143 Apple corer for removing the core and pips from an apple
149 Crumb tray
150 Crumb tray
156 Rug hook
157 Pump for Coleman lamp
187 Egg beater
188 Bread knife
189 Fine metal thread bobbin
192 Funnel
15 Brush hooks A brush hook (also called a bush hook, ditch blade, ditch bank blade, or ditch blade axe) is
a gardening instrument resembling an axe with a 12-inch (30 cm) curved blade and a 36-inch (91 cm)
handle; commonly used by surveying crews and firefighters to clear out heavy undergrowth from trails.
58 Edge trimmer Gardening tool used for trimming (cutting, pruning) hedges or shrubs.
69 Garden Rake Toothed Bar Used to collect leaves, hay, grass, etc., and, in gardening, for loosening the soil, light weeding and
levelling, removing dead grass from lawns.
96 Pruning Saw For pruning branches.
120 Small curved fork Agricultural tool used to move small amounts of soil?
124 Pruning shears To prune hard branches of trees and shrubs, sometimes up to two centimeters thick. Invented by the
French aristocrat Antoine Francois Bertrand de Molleville, former Louis XVI minister, around 1815.
159 Rake Garden
General Use
42 Screw drivers For tightening screws.
60 Wrought Iron Hammer Probably home made. Usage unknown.
62 Whetstone Whetstones are used to grind and hone the edges of steel tools and implements.
68 Metal tool box For storage.
83 Knife sharpener Sharpening knives.
140 Oil can Lubrication
142 Pulley Lifting by rope
148 Tire-pressure gauge To measure the pressure of tires on a vehicle.
151 Oil lamp
153 Lantern made for portable and outdoor use
154 Wrench
173 Vintage Handyman Tool Box
Sheet metal work
41 Riveting Hammers The round edge is used for boring rivets; the finishing is done with the face.
106 Tin snips Tin snips, also known as shears, are hand tools used to cut sheet metal and other tough webs.
109 Pipe wrench The pipe wrench is an adjustable wrench used for turning soft iron pipes and fittings with a rounded
surface. The design of the adjustable jaw allows it to lock in the frame, such that any forward pressure
on the handle tends to pull the jaws tighter together.
38 Open-end Wrench For tightening bolts.
81 Open-end Wrench For tightening bolts.
88 Wrench
105 Hack saw A hacksaw is a fine-tooth hand saw with a blade held under tension in a frame, used for cutting
materials such as metal or plastics.
155 Hexagonal Wrench Special application
168 Wrench
169 Monkey Wrench Adjustable wrench, a later American development of eighteenth-century English coach wrenches. It
was popular in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries but is now used only for heavier tasks
170 Monkey Wrench
51 Bolt (square) Holding large beams together.
76 Hook
77 Hook Found in the garden. Usage unknown.
99 3 Square nails  3” to 3-1/2” Rough iron square nails found in the Rigaud region.
116 Pin Rough iron pin found in garden. Unknown usage.
118 Chain Rough iron.
119 Hooks(3) Rough iron.
133 Clevis A clevis fastener is a three-piece fastener system consisting of a clevis, clevis pin, and tang. The clevis
is a U-shaped piece that has holes at the end of the prongs to accept the clevis pin. The clevis pin is
similar to a bolt, but is only partially threaded or unthreaded with a cross-hole for a split pin. The tang
is a piece that fits in the space within the clevis and is held in place by the clevis pin.
146 Nail
36 Butcher Saw To cut bones.
130 Butcher Knife Butchering
Personal hygiene
56 Razor Strop A razor strop is a flexible strip of leather or canvas used to straighten and polish the blade of a straight
razor, a knife, or a woodworking tool like a chisel.
63 Straight razor A straight razor is an old-fashioned razor with a blade that can fold up into its handle. They are also
called open razors and cut-throat razors and are used to shave beard.
85 Hair curler? To curl hair?
87 Razor (blade missing) Razor without the blade; to shave beard.
145 Hair Clippers hair cutting
147 Shaving brush Small brush used to apply shaving soap or shaving cream to the face when shaving
95 Cane Hand made with leather rings; to help walking.
200 Complete portable set of dentistry Used by a student in the School of Dentistry of the University of Buffalo, Buffalo, N.Y. in 1944-45 for
the treatment of patients under the supervision of his professor.